Tuesday 4 March 2014

Monthly favorites- February addition!

A touch late!

Hello lovelies! I have decided to capture each month in a series of answered questions in a post. I will also do a post of a month in photos, to see what things have caught my eye, or memories that have been made each month. I will try to keep up to date with this however most of my months are rather dull... But enough babbling lets get started!

  1. what was your favorite moment this month? This month it was my 18th birthday! the weekend before we had a huge party with all the family and a few of my best friends it was far more fun and exciting than i had expected which makes it my favorite moment!
    My two best friends! 
  2. What was your least favorite moment? Having to complete all my coursework at 1 o'clock in the morning because i had left it til last minute again!
  3. What is your favorite purchased item this month? I'm going to have to be a little cheeky with this one as i have two... firstly was a gift from my granddad which was a very delicate necklace of a cross, to bring me luck in the future which is truly beautiful. However, an item i purchased myself would have to be my rose fairy lights which really add something extra to my otherwise dull bedroom! 
    Very pretty!
  4. What new food have you tried? I have previously tried Sushi before however was put off it in a bad experience... however, when shopping with my sister this month we decided that it was urgent to get some food, and as she does like Sushi i decided i would give it another shot... and adored it!
  5. What book have you read and loved? I have honestly... only started reading one book before it went missing! However i adore this book already and it is called "The loveliest chocolate shop in Paris." An amazing read reopened my adoring love for chocolate and my dreams to live in Paris! I recommended it to everyone!
    J'aime ce livre!
That's it for February i will probably start to add more questions however i like to keep it short and simple so that i'm not going on about nonsense for hours! Hopefully, now that its March there's a bit more sunshine to inspire new adventures to talk about!

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