Thursday 13 February 2014

My 2014 Bucket List.

This new year is a major milestone for me. As my 18th birthday is only a week away, i want to make sure that its a year to remember. Inspired by the beautiful Becca Rose's 2014 Bucket List. ( )  To ensure this i have decided my first blog post will be my bucket list...

1. To travel to three new places with friends for the first time.
2. To photograph all my favorite moments of the year.
3. To try as much new foods as possible. (a major foodie!)
4. To come out to my family. (LGBT)
5. To volunteer at an animal shelter.
6. To read a new book every month. (That i wouldn't usually choose)
7. To try my best to move out.
8. To make more of an effort to go out with friends.
9. To build new friendships.
10. To face my fears instead of hiding away from them.
11. Try a new activity every month and write a post about it.
12. To do a blog post at least once every week.
13. To start a YouTube channel exploring a topic i'm passionate about.
14. To exceed my expectations.

Now, these may not seem that big or special, however i hope that these fourteen tasks will help me to become a stronger and happier version of myself. I will probably add to or change this list as the year goes along.

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